Love this toe-up sock from Knitty.
And I REALLY like the little picot edging. Don't know how I did it 'cept followed the directions, but it sure did come out cutsie and all.
But I majorly screwed up the gusset area. Not sure exactly what I did wrong, but its mate will be done differently, nodoubtaboutit.
3 comment(s):
Hey....that's what my first sock looked like....only different yarn, LOL.
I hope you're enjoying your summer! It's been too hot here to even think about knitting :(
By Anonymous,at 7/17/2006 11:32:00 PM
that is what mine look like! Oh well I guess I'll use smaller needles next time.
By Unknown,at 7/19/2006 06:28:00 PM
Gee whiz, now I'm REALLY scared...maybe I'll just make mine into cuffs to wear around my
By nothereanymore,at 7/27/2006 06:54:00 PM
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