Well, I'm heading to the great state of Texas this Sunday, 2-26, a day after my 51st birthday. Hubby and I will be there for five days. While he's in meetings, I'll be traveling to every little (and big!) yarn shop north of Houston. I must remember to bring an extra bag, just in case I find some thing(s) I simply MUST have. From what I've heard from fellow knitters in the Lone Star State, there's some pretty wonderful shops around there. Can't wait to see how many projects I can finish between now and our return, and how many NEW projects I'll have once I get back home!
I'm not sure if this is a symptom of ADD knitting, but I've started yet another project. A friend of mine lost her hair to chemo, and I found this great hat in the latest Knit Picks magazine. I'm using Shine and Shine Twist in Apricot. It's a free pattern here. This is really some great yarn; Pima cotton and silky Modal; soft as can be and in great colors.
One more strike and it's OUTTAHERE!
Let's see. If you check down a few posts, you'll see the Moebius Wrap I've been attempting, completed twice, and frogged again -- for the second time. I made it once with a full twist and had to frog it. Then I made it again, this time with a HALF twist, unsure how it was going to turn out. (Get a load of this pattern's instruction.) Actually, it DID work; it had a half-twist. But it didn't look very good with the knit/purl pattern I put in. So out it all came: "Rip-it, rip-it, rip-it."
I hope I don't hate this thing before I ever get to wear it.
She'll Love It! She PROMISED!
Well, here I go. I've never done three projects at one time, but heck, why not? As long as the "Project Police" don't come knockin' at my door, I'm gonna attempt it.
My DD was home from college over the weekend.
Do some of you remember being pregnant the first time how, whenever you went shopping, the baby department automatically lured you towards it like you had some kind of homing device implanted instead of a child? Well, that's how knitting has affected me. So of course while shopping together with my daughter, I had to stop and check out the yarn department at Walmart. Now, I know by heart what they have and in what colors, but there's always the off-chance that something NEW might come in; right?
Not this time. But my DD started perusing those little tear-off projects that hang temptingly by the yarns. She found a pattern for an afghan she just LOVED. Would I make her one in pinks and grays? Pleeease?
Since she no longer lives with us, we just love each other to death, so of course I said yes. But the deal was I wasn't going to spend all my time and admittedly meager skills to knit this if she was going to tell me later it was too small. (She loves wrapping herself like a cocoon in her blankets.) She said she'd love it, and even if it were too small, it could be the first thing I knit for her daughter.
Yeah. That's generally how our conversations go. And no, she's not pregnant. She's not even married. She's just planning ahead.
So I've started the afghan. Twice, so far. But like she keeps saying, as I emote about frogging it after the wrong stitch count, "It's fine mom. I'll still love it!"
Yeah. So I've got that goin' for me.
Oops. I've Done It Again. : (
Yay! I finished the shrug last night (well, 1:30 a.m.). When I tried it on, I realized I twisted it a full turn instead of a HALF TURN!!! ARGH! Looked more like an oversized headband than a shrug. So I had to frog it, tink it, RIP IT OUT! Plus I realized afterward that I failed to add the last skein of yarn.
Whatever happened to me trying to enjoy the process?!?!?
So...yeah...I'm starting over.
Give Me a Break!
I've been working on that off-shoulder knit summer top in the ColorMe Soft Cotton in k2p2 (tedious!) ribbing. I'm about a third of the way done and decided to take a break from it and start a knit/purl patterned shrug in Tahki Yarns Bunny Print shown above. It's nice and easy as it's done on circs, twisted once at the join, with 8 rows knit, 8 rows purl, repeated four times. Won't that be nice on the deck of the cottage this spring?!! Can't wait!!!
BETTER RED THAN DEAD (The Red Hat Society)
Gotta love the RED HAT SOCIETY for helping all struggling, trailing baby-boomers over the hump of mid-life and into the celebration of THE NEXT PHASE! Our chapter here in northern Michigan is called "BETTER RED THAN DEAD." We have loads of fun and laugh at ourselves while we share our lives with each other; wonderful women who wear their years proudly.
I have a link to a photo album highlighting some of our get-togethers over the last year and a half. We'll use any excuse for a meal out! And the only rule is...there are no rules!
Summer Top (Aren't I optimistic?)

I made this last summer out of some discontinued Paton ribbon yarn. I really liked knitting with it; the only big problem I had was the ends were tough to weave in. I find them popping out every once in awhile. But I like how the yarn changes color, and because it's cotton, it's pretty comfortable year-round. Of course, here in northern Michigan, I have to use something around my shoulders if I go anywhere -- like my CLAPOTIS!
Anyway, thought I'd post this since I'm still trying to finish the danged socks. Heading to a LYS tomorrow morning with another pattern to find some yarn. Can't wait!