Well, it's finally done, the simple shell I've been working on for -- well, forever, it seems. Of course, when I finally tried it on, I realized that it sure wasn't going to work for me at this age. It was about 3 inches too short! Argh! My 22-year-old daughter even tried it on and wasn't a taker. So I picked up a gazillion stitches around the bottom and added about three inches of a lace pattern from a hat I had been playing with. This is the finished product. I actually like it. The only problem I find with it is the armholes are a bit tight. Not quite sure if there's anything at all I can do about it, but I'll probably wear it anyway, at least a couple times this summer.
4 comment(s):
I LOVE the bottom of this shell! Very inventive use of lacing.
By nothereanymore,at 6/04/2006 05:12:00 PM
By cathych,at 6/04/2006 11:34:00 PM
Your Shell looks Great..
What a good job you did on making it longer!!!
By Knitcrazy,at 6/05/2006 06:06:00 PM
pretty, I like. I'm originally from Michigan, Troy/Clawson/Royal Oak area. Lived there my whole childhood and moved to Illinois when I was 19 and have been here ever since. Nice blog. Will visit again.
By Pennie,at 6/20/2006 09:06:00 AM
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